Golden Hour on the Farm

“This whole experience was so much fun. Never in a million years could I have imagined all the unique possibilities for each of our rooms that Cory and Chelsea came up with. Every wall, every nook, every angle was addressed with love and care. The house came to life like l've never seen it before they got to know us & listened to us so well - it was like we became the designers because it felt so much like US, not just what a designer came up with. That was really special.”

Golden Hour never looked so good. Now I just need to find my Golden Goose so I can recreate this family’s Golden Years. #goldengoals

Enter this into the record please: My Golden Years shall be lived out exactly as pictured here – on an incredible property in the country, surrounded by all my lovely grandchildren (who also have their own rooms and live close enough to go home after a wild weekend), watching sunsets from my seriously ridiculous porch overlooking my exquisite garden. Oh, and we made the inside of their house pretty stunning too (and kid-friendly, but you’d never know it!) so let’s add that to my fantasy. Bonus find and seek challenge – find the power recliners in this room! Good luck. And wish me the same for my retirement plans.


White Paint and Wallpaper for the Win